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  4. OraStretch Press Jaw Motion Rehab System - Anterior Version

OraStretch Press Jaw Motion Rehab System - Anterior Version

Easy to use. Treats trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.
Part Number: CR1003
Availability: In Stock
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HCPCS (CPT) Code: E1700
Edentulous Version for patients with dentures or missing teeth.
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The OraStretch® Press Rehab System is a hand operated device that provides a simple option for jaw hypomobility and dysfunction. The OraStretch press successfully alleviates trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.

The anterior version is for patients who do not fit a standard off-the-shelf mouthpiece because of limited mouth size, microstomia, oral obstructions, and other issues.  The anterior version has a smaller mouthpiece that rests only on the front  teeth.   

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