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  4. TheraBite Jaw Motion Rehabilitation System
  5. TheraBite Pad Pack - Foam Bite Pads - Standard, Pediatric, Edentulous
Standard Bitepads
Standard Bitepads

TheraBite Pad Pack - Foam Bite Pads - Standard, Pediatric, Edentulous

Your Price: $0.00
Foam pads for the TheraBite devices.
Availability: In Stock
Available in packs of standard, pediatric, or edentulous types.
CranioRehab brand uses the same material and shape to provide you a more affordable option.

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Bitepads for the OraStretch press Press and TheraBite jaw motion rehab systems.
We offer packs from ATOS (TheraBite) and CranioRehab brand packs with 4 pads.

Packs come in three size types:
Standard for the standard adult devices
Pediatric for the child-size device; and
Edentulous extra-thick pads for patients with dentures or missing teeth on the standard adult device.

Part Numbers:
  • ATOS Standard Bitepad pack: AT1050
  • ATOS Pediatric Bitepad pack: AT1055
  • ATOS Edentulous Bitepad pack: AT1054
  • CranioRehab Standard Bitepad pack: CR1050-TB
  • CranioRehab Pediatric Bitepad pack: CR1055
  • CranioRehab Edentulous Bitepad pack: CR1054

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