Hot-Cold Therapy

The Hot-Cold Therapy Cooler system is the only hot/cold-flow therapy available for craniofacial patients. The Cooler system pumps hot or cold water through a pad around the face to reduce pain or swelling with thermal therapy. Additionally, the pad is held against the skin in a soft, elastic jaw-bra head wrap that further reduces swelling with compression. By providing the maximum benefits of ice and heat during your recovery, hot/cold-compression therapy helps to reduce swelling and pain, prevent muscle spasms, and preserve skin elasticity for improved soft tissue healing. Hot/Cold cooler therapy is a simple system that is standard in orthopedic care.
We also offer the Hot-Cold Therapy Gel Kit and the hot/cold head wrap for alternative recovery options. Each includes 4 hot/cold gel packs that can be frozen or microwaved to provide thermal therapy to reduce swelling and pain in your recovery. The Hot-Cold Therapy Gel Kit includes the compressive Jaw-Bra for added swelling relief.
Cryotherapy is a form of therapy in which cold is used to control swelling, inflammation and edema. Simply put, the cold temperature limits the blood supply to the effected area of the body, thereby controlling the swelling, inflammation and PAIN. Traditionally, patients resort to bags of ice or frozen peas that cannot sustain a therapeutic temperature and have to be taken on and off every 30 minutes to prevent tissue damage.
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