Human Jaw Structure and Function
"Normal" Jaw Opening -
MIO/D: Maximum Intercisal Opening/Distance or ROM: Range-of-Motion
Normal MIO: Men 50-60mm Women 45-55mm
Trismus: Decreased function of less than 30-35mm MIO.
Basic Diagnostic - The 3-Finger Test:
Insert Tips of index, middle and ring fingers non-dominant hand between front teeth.
There have been a number of studies on the average and maximum jaw openings of different populations.
Jaw Function
Temporomandibular Joint
Dental Occlusion
MIO/D: Maximum Intercisal Opening/Distance or ROM: Range-of-Motion
Normal MIO: Men 50-60mm Women 45-55mm
Trismus: Decreased function of less than 30-35mm MIO.
Basic Diagnostic - The 3-Finger Test:
Insert Tips of index, middle and ring fingers non-dominant hand between front teeth.
Normal MIO | >40 mm | 3+ Fingers |
Mild Trismus | 30-40 mm | 2-3 Fingers |
Moderate Trismus | 15-30 mm | 1-2 Fingers |
Severe Trismus | <15 mm | <1 Finger |
There have been a number of studies on the average and maximum jaw openings of different populations.
Jaw Function
Temporomandibular Joint
Dental Occlusion
Scales to measure opening and joint range-of-motion.
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Scales to measure opening and joint range-of-motion.
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