CranioRehab is proud to be a sponsor of the myFace RACES FOR FACES virtual walk. This important fundraising event helps raise awareness for children and adults with facial differences. This year's walk, on September 26, 2020, has gone virtual- so anyone, anywhere, can join in! 

Focusing on the principles of care, compassion and community, myFace is a non-profit organization supporting those with craniofacial differences. The myFace Center at NYU Langone Health "provides integrative, highly specialized and personalized team care to all those who request treatment, regardless of the type or severity of the anomaly, the length of treatment, or the family's ability to afford care." myFace focuses on providing the best comprehensive care that covers all aspects of children's and family's lives including medical, dental, speech, nutrition and psychosocial services. They also provide emotional support groups, workshops, webinars and resources on their website for craniofacial patients and families across the country.

Please help us support this fantastic event by getting involved however you can. Join the virtual walk, support our team by joining us or make a donation! Every little bit helps.