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CranioRehab specializes in devices for the head, neck, mouth and jaw. Our patients include those with head & neck cancer, radiation fibrosis, TMJ disorders, clefts, craniofacial disorders and neurological conditions. CranioRehab provides US insurance billing and we strive to make our products affordable.
Please select your interest to learn more:
The OraStretch® press system for trismus and post-surgical therapy.
Tongueometer™ biofeedback device
DynaCleft® positioning system
CryoJaw Cold Therapy System for Post-Surgical Rehab
The TheraPacer Jaw Mobilizer for the prevention and treatment of ankylosis
NutriSqueeze™ bottles

We carry products for:
TMJD and TMJ dysfunction
Post-surgical rehab and recovery
Burns and microstomia
Our products include the
OraStretch® press systemTongueometer™ biofeedback device
DynaCleft® positioning system
CryoJaw™ cooler system
Salvate™ oral hydration system
NutriSqueeze™ bottles
Dynamic Tissue Systems - Suturesafe®, DynaStretch® and Dynaclose® strips.
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US Patients
We specialize in providing rehab and comfort products for the head, neck, jaw, and mouth. We provide unique products not widely available, and we work with you, your doctor, and your insurance as necessary to provide you the best service and products.
With a prescription, we will bill insurance for covered products. Please visit our Have a Prescription page for more information on how to begin this process.
For patients without a prescription: many products do not require a prescription or order. For more information on prescription requirements and insurance, obtaining a prescription, and ordering without a prescription, visit our No Prescription page.
Do you have an upcoming surgery or radiation treatments to the jaw or face? Visit our Upcoming Surgery page for more information on preparation, what to expect, recovery, and rehabilitation.
Have insurance questions? Coverage? In-Network? Coinsurance? Medicare? Visit our Insurance Questions page for more details.
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With a prescription, we will bill insurance for covered products. Please visit our Have a Prescription page for more information on how to begin this process.
For patients without a prescription: many products do not require a prescription or order. For more information on prescription requirements and insurance, obtaining a prescription, and ordering without a prescription, visit our No Prescription page.
Do you have an upcoming surgery or radiation treatments to the jaw or face? Visit our Upcoming Surgery page for more information on preparation, what to expect, recovery, and rehabilitation.
Have insurance questions? Coverage? In-Network? Coinsurance? Medicare? Visit our Insurance Questions page for more details.
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US Doctors & Providers
Please complete this form for more information on our products, to sign up for a remote in-service, or ask a questions.
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International Visitors
We can accept international orders for some of our products. See the products available for international ordering here.
Are you looking for an OraStretch press? Please visit these pages for more information on ordering in AUSTRALIA, CANADA, or the UK. For other non-US customers, learn more about international ordering the OraStretch press here.