SutureSafe® Strips - Improve Cosmetic Outcomes & Prevent Dehiscence
Posted by Sarah Schuman, M.S. CCC-SLP on 6/17/2020 to
Cleft Lip & Palate
SutureSafe is an improvement over static tape to support closed wounds, particularly for areas of increased movement.
It dynamically bridges and supports closure of surgical incisions, allowing a cushion of skin movement while still pulling
the wound margins together with gentle appositional traction.
Oral Mucositis in HNC Patients
Posted by Sarah Schuman, M.S. CCC-SLP on 6/2/2020 to
General Medical and Dental Information
Spring 2020 Newsletter ORAL MUCOSITIS IN HEAD & NECK CANCER PATIENTS Oral Mucositis occurs in up to 80% of HNC irradiated patients! What is oral mucositis (OM)? Mucositis is the inflammation,