Internal Derangement: A photographic explaination of the Temporomandibular Joint through MR Imaging
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/25/2012 to
General Medical and Dental Information
Internal derangement is a Temporomandibular Joint disorder which manifests it's self in the abnormal position of the TMJ disk. It is 3-5 times more common in women, then men. You can find the details of this interesting Essay by The Boston University School of Medicine, on Medscape Nurse News.
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2 in series of 5
Maxillolfacial Jaw Surgery Speedy Recovery Tips
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/25/2012 to
Surgery - Jaw, Facial, Oral, Cosmetic, Orthognathic
After his surgery, Graham created
an awesome list of Recovery Tips on his blog, including both pre-surgery
to-do's and after the surgery advice.
Is the steroid Dexamethasone effective when injected into the TMJ?
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/18/2012 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
A new double-blind study at University of Groningen showed no increased effectiveness of Dexamethasone to improve TMJ arthrocentesis.
Explaining Your Symptoms: Tips from a Family Physician
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/15/2012 to
General Medical and Dental Information
When it comes to visiting our Doctors and Emergency Rooms some patients overly down-play their symptoms. Rod Moser, PA, PhD has a great piece on WebMD on how to be more accurate and precise when explaining our symptoms for an improved diagnosis and treatment.
What To Ask Before Facial, Cosmetic Or Any Surgery To Insure Post Operative Success
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/13/2012 to
Heat & Cold Therapy - Face, Neck Jaw
Your surgery should be as important to your Surgeon as it is to you! Plastic surgeon
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez has some great recommendations for discussing recovery and preparing for the surgery on his blog. Read more to see some of his insights.
Less is often More in Treating TMJ Disorders
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/11/2012 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
Over their lifetime, over three quarters of people can have TMJ
problems, but only 5-10% actually need therapy. These and other
interesting facts on TMJ disorder are reviewed in a great overview
article in the NY Times by Jane Brody.
HPV Info Mix Up on New HBO Show "Girls"
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/5/2012 to
Head & Neck Cancer, Radiation Therapy
Hannah, the spunky central character in the edgy new HBO series “Girls,”
is a creative and endearingly naive 24-year-old bumbling fearlessly
through post-college life.