Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Scleroderma
Arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints. Arthritis can lead to substantial loss of mobility due to pain and joint destruction. Arthritis symptoms include joint pain, tenderness, swelling and inflammation, joint deformity, morning stiffness, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, eye burning, numbness or tingling, and fever. There are a number of different types of arthritis, however most often refers to Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Arthritis in the jaw joint can cause trismus, i.e. stiffness, limiting of movement or lockjaw.
- Anti-rheumatic drugs
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Pain relievers
- Regular exercise (OraStretch press for jaw hypomobility)
- Heat and cold therapy
Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is a chronic syndrome (constellation of signs and symptoms) characterized by diffuse or specific muscle, joint, or bone pain, fatigue, and a wide range of other symptoms. Fibromyalgia symptoms generally include chronic widespread pain, tenderness to touch, and fatigue. Skin sensitivity, tingling, muscle achiness, muscle spasms, weakness, nerve pain, brain fog, and sleep disturbances are other symptoms. Myofacial pain is another common symptom. There are also specific "tender points" on the body that usually refer to fibromyalgia, and if a patient show tenderness at 11 or more tender points they are often diagnosed with the condition. Fibromyalgia in the jaw joint can cause trismus, i.e. stiffness, limiting of movement or lockjaw.
- Anti-depressants
- Gentle Exercise and physical therapy (OraStretch press for jaw hypomobility)
- Heat therapy
- Massage
- The National Fibromyalgia Association U.S.
- Fibromyalgia Resource Information
- National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Scleroderma is a rare, chronic disease caused by excessive collagen in the skin and other organs. Localized scleroderma affect a specific area of the body. Systemic or diffused scleroderma can affect the whole body, including internal organs and blood vessels. Scleroderma symptoms include hardening of the skin, scarring, increased visibility of blood vessels, and an increased discoloration of the hands/fee in response to cold. Scleroderma around the jaw joint can cause trismus, i.e. stiffness, limiting of movement or lockjaw.
- Anti-inflammatories
- Immunosuppressants
- Heat therapy
- Physical therapy (OraStretch press for jaw hypomobility)