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  5. Wired Jaw Emergency Mini Wire Cutter

Wired Jaw Emergency Mini Wire Cutter

Your Price: $15.49
Retail Price:$15.99
Your Savings:$0.50(3%)
Small wire cutter to carry with you while wired shut
Part Number: CR6180
Availability: In Stock
Small, light wire cutters, perfect for your full safety while wired shut.

It is recommended to keep wire cutters around at all times while your jaw is wired shut, in case the wires need to be cut in an emergency situation.

There is a risk that the patient may suddenly become sick or nauseous and vomit, and the jaw wiring may pose a choking hazard. If the vomit cannot escape completely and quickly enough through the mouth and nose, it can pass back into the windpipe and down into the lungs. This poses both a choking hazard, but can also cause infection or pneumonia.

We are discontinuing this product for the improved Wired Jaw and Braces Emergency Kit, which includes a mini wire cutter.  The Emergency Kit also includes dental wax, a wire locator tool, and a dental mirror to help manage critical situations and any broken or loose wires. 

See the Wired Jaw and Braces Emergency Kit here. 

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