Fighting Trismus with a Better Fit! OraStretch Press Sizes
Posted by Sarah Schuman, MS, CCC-SLP on 9/19/2022 to
Head & Neck Cancer, Radiation Therapy
The OraStretch press is available in 5 versions to better fit your patients' needs!
How to Measure MIO
Posted by Sarah Schuman, M.S. CCC-SLP on 11/11/2021 to
General Medical and Dental Information
Mouth opening is measured as a MIO or ROM distance. MIO (maximal interincisal
opening) is the distance between the central incisors when the mouth is fully open.
Average MIO for adults is approx. 50mm. By measuring MIO, a therapist can determine
if a patient is WNL or has trismus. ROM (Range-of-Motion) is the maximum distance
the mandible moves. ROM and MIO may be different, e.g. patients with an open bite.CranioRehab Update and Research Refresh
Posted by Sarah Schuman, M.S. CCC-SLP on 6/17/2019 to
Cleft Lip & Palate
CranioRehab Update & Research Refresh. Review "Correlation Between Radiation Dose to Pterygoid and Masseter Muscles with Trismus" and "Successful Rehab of Facial Burns Using Jaw Motion Rehab Systems Including the OraStretch Press". Learn about CranioRehab products.
What is included with the TheraBite System? An overview of the device, its parts, and what they do.
Posted by Linda Van Rossen on 8/7/2013 to
Head & Neck Cancer, Radiation Therapy
Learn more about what is included in the TheraBite jaw motion rehab system, including parts and their purposes.
Warning: TMD “Diagnostic Tools” Proven To Be Inaccurate
Posted by Linda Van Rossen on 8/1/2013 to
General Medical and Dental Information
Does your doctor want to charge you to use EMG, Kinesiography, or Sonography to study or diagnose your TMJ disorder? You might want to get a second opinion.
A new study shows that many electronic diagnostic devices were no better than clinical exams at diagnosing TMJ disorder (TMD).
A new study shows that many electronic diagnostic devices were no better than clinical exams at diagnosing TMJ disorder (TMD).
Is Our PAIN Visible??
Posted by Linda Van Rossen on 6/12/2013 to
General Medical and Dental Information
“Subjectivity” is the main issue when asked the question: Are you having any pain”? Now researchers can see where and how pain acts in your brain.
Need TMJ Relief? Here are Some Easy Self Massage Tips
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/6/2013 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
TMJ pain is unpredictable and can strike at anytime, and anywhere. Knowing a few tricks to relieve your pain is essential to your comfort and life’s enjoyment.
Is the steroid Dexamethasone effective when injected into the TMJ?
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/18/2012 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
A new double-blind study at University of Groningen showed no increased effectiveness of Dexamethasone to improve TMJ arthrocentesis.
Less is often More in Treating TMJ Disorders
Posted by Linda Shafto on 6/11/2012 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
Over their lifetime, over three quarters of people can have TMJ
problems, but only 5-10% actually need therapy. These and other
interesting facts on TMJ disorder are reviewed in a great overview
article in the NY Times by Jane Brody.
Prelim Results from Seven Year Study on TMJ disorder (TMJD)
Posted by Rob Christensen on 11/15/2011 to
Jaw Function, Trismus, and Jaw Therapies
Preliminary Results Released from Seven Year Study on TMJ disorder (TMJD) by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). The study, Orofacial Pain: Prospective Evaluation and Risk Assessment (OPPERA), collected excellent data on the risks for TMJD.