Featured Products
Easy to use, stretching of the jaw and mouth for trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.
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The Jawbra compression wrap with hot/cold gel packs for pain and swelling relief.
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A compressive wrap to reduce pain and swelling of the face and TMJ area.
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Foam pads for the TheraBite devices.
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Easy to eat a liquid diet, with a wired jaw, or limited opening.
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60ml thick syringes for liquid soft diets
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Easy to eat a liquid diet, with a wired jaw, or limited opening.
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Jaw stretching and motion for trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.
Ships in 3-5 days.
Small wire cutter to carry with you while wired shut
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Easy to eat thick shakes, smoothies and purees on a liquid diet, with a wired jaw, or limited opening.
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Easy to eat thick shakes, smoothies and purees on a liquid diet, with a wired jaw, or limited opening.
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Squeeze for easy drinking with a cleft lip.
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Small 10ml syringes for dosing medication or nutrition to pediatric patients.
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Easy to use. Treats trismus from cancer, trauma, TMJD, facial burns, and stroke.
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Easy to eat thick shakes, smoothies and purees on a liquid diet, with a wired jaw, or limited opening.
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Jawbra with hot/cold gel packs for pain and swelling relief.
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A discounted pack of 10 Hot/Cold JawBra compressive wraps.
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