The Tongueometer Biofeedback Device - Research Update
NEW PRODUCTS! Microstomia & OroFacial Scarring
What is Microstomia
Fighting Trismus with a Better Fit! OraStretch Press Sizes
How to Measure MIO
opening) is the distance between the central incisors when the mouth is fully open.
Average MIO for adults is approx. 50mm. By measuring MIO, a therapist can determine
if a patient is WNL or has trismus. ROM (Range-of-Motion) is the maximum distance
the mandible moves. ROM and MIO may be different, e.g. patients with an open bite.Dysphagia and the Tongue
DynaCleft System for Cleft Lip & Palate
Tongueometer Bluetooth Device Now Available!
BIG NEWS! Tongueometer Bluetooth device now available for iOS and Android devices. Increase tongue strength and endurance with an easy to use, affordable device.
Support Organizations for Head & Neck Cancer & Craniofacial Patients
NEW PRODUCT ALERT! DynaClose® Strips for Skin Closure & DynaStretch® Strips for Skin Expansion
DynaClose strips are designed to close skin defects up to 5cm in width. The strips are clear elastomeric anchored by an adhesive fabric tape on either side. They provide an easy and non-invasive method to close retracted or dehisced wounds.
DynaStretch strips are designed to provide external pre-surgical skin expansion over an area of planned excision up to 5cm wide. New surplus skin may be consistent with the surrounding tissue and can be used to span a tissue defect created by surgical excision.
Oral Mucositis in HNC Patients
Saliva and Xerostomia in the HNC Patient
The Psychological Burden of HNC Survivorship on Patients and Caregivers