A provider recently sought my advice on how to support babies who are sensitive to the taping materials used for pre-op cleft lip closure, such as DynaCleft Positioning Strips, Steri-Strips, and Duoderm. This inquiry prompted me to conduct an in-depth search online, where I discovered an excellent resource on the Oley Foundation website. The Oley Foundation is "a non-profit home nutrition therapy community" with the mission to "enrich the lives of those living with home IV nutrition or tube feeding". Their community uses facial taping and thus the information on skin sensitivities will also apply to cleft lip patients as well. 

On the Oley Foundation page titled "Tape for Sensitive Skin" you will find a wealth of information about a variety of products, including product descriptions, company details, and contact information. Additionally, the page provides helpful tips and techniques for the application and removal of these tapes, as well as guidance on how to find the best prices. For more information, please refer to the following webpage: https://oley.org/page/tapeforsensitiveskin.