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  2. International Orders, Customs, and Taxes
CranioRehab.com will ship internationally. CranioRehab is not responsible for legal compliance with customs, regulatory and other laws required for importing into any specific country, unless specifically noted. CranioRehab will do our best to get your order to you, but CranioRehab is not responsible for processing or approval of Customs in the recipients country. Packages held by or denied entry by Customs are the responsibility of the customer. Packages denied entry may be returned to CranioRehab at our or the customers request, but both shipping and return freight is the responsibility of the customer and will not be refunded. Any taxes or duties due on an order are the responsibility of the customer. Customers may need to pay the taxes or duties due to receive their order. If any taxes or duties due are not paid by the Customer, and the order is returned, the customer is responsible for the return shipping. Any returns may also be subject to our standard 15% restocking fee. If the order is not returned, no credit or refund will be given.