Treat and Prevent Trismus from RT in HNC

Dysphagia and the Tongue


The tongue's role in swallowing

During the oral phase, food is masticated and mixed with saliva to form a soft consistency called the bolus. The tongue helps manipulate and form the bolus and moves it posteriorly in preparation for the swallow.

Decreased tongue strength is associated with poor bolus formation, bolus loss, decreased tongue-palate contact and prolonged oral transit time.

    Importance of Measuring 

Tongue Strength

  • Determine whether weakness may  contribute to a swallowing disorder
  • Determine the most appropriate plan of care and treatment program
  • Objectively measure and document progress to support treatment justification

Tongue Strength in 

Healthy Adults

  • Max tongue strength range falls between 40-80 kPA
  • Older adults less than younger adults
  • Considerable variability in healthy adults
  • Majority averages greater than 34 kPa
*Norms from IOPI

The Tongueometer™ Biofeedback Device 

An affordable, at-home device designed to measure and increase tongue strength and endurance

The OraStretch press Jaw motion rehab system

The Tongueometer device allows

therapists and patients to:

-   Easily set and modify exercise parameters

-   Objectively measure tongue strength and        endurance

-   Perform rehab at home or on the go 

-   Store & share exercise results effortlessly

FREE Online Webinar on Dysphagia and the Tongue 
OR Head & Neck Cancer Oral Complications 
Contact us at [email protected] or online to schedule 
Support Xerostomia Therapy Development!

Join NFOSD, THANC, Head & Neck Cancer Alliance, and SPOHNC in addressing the FDA on the value supporting Xerostomia therapies. 
A 1-hour Zoom webinar on June 18th at 2pm CST
Meeting ID: 819 4326 9355  Passcode: june

More Head and Neck Cancer Solutions!

Visit CranioRehab to learn about all of our products.  


If you have any questions or requests, please call us at 1-800-206-8381 or
email us at [email protected]

OraStretch®, Salvate™, Helping People Say Ahhhhh!™ are trademarks of CranioMandibular Rehab, Inc. SalivaMax® and Orapeutic™ are trademarks of Forward Science. Tongueometer™ is a trademark of E2 Scientific Corp.  ©CranioMandibular Rehab, Inc.


CranioMandibular Rehab, Inc. | 2600 W 29th Ave Unit 102G Denver, CO 80211